Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Why We Contend

I'll let the videos speak. Here's Mark Driscoll . . .

Be Like the Bereans, Baby!!! (Acts 17:11)
The Gospel that Repels

Some time ago, I posted a series of blogs called: "Say 'ello to the Good Guys". Somehow I forgot to include this next gentleman. I have to thank "The Pilgrim" over at the blog, "Defending. Contending." for posting the following video of
Pastor John MacArthur.

If your pastor is not telling you this every Sunday, he is not doing his job . . .

You can slap me silly and call me "Shirley"; but somehow I don't think you'll be seeing Dr. MacArthur on TBN again any time soon. Just a hunch.

Be Like the Bereans, Baby!!!