Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I Got Nuthin'!!!

Hi folks! I know that I was supposed to be back with more riveting commentary for you after July 7th; but I presently have the world's worst case of blogger's block. I've scoured my brain, I've prayed and I've even considered borrowing other people's material! But still . . . I got nuthin'!

As has been my pledge, I refuse to throw meaningless filler out there. And I realize this can cost me some readership. I just hope that you'll bear with me and know that when something worthwhile hits me, you'll be the first to know!

To quote a famous actor-turned-governor, "I'll be back"!

Be Like the Bereans, Baby!!!


John said...

The main thing is that you're feeding yourself.

Keith L. Tolbert said...

Thanks John. I can always count on your encouragement!

Speaking Truth said...

First, welcome back brother! I owe you a phone call, BTW...

Take your time - the wolves will give you enough material to speak out against soon enough.